
Faculty and Staff Directory


Abadia, Claudia | Instructor, Math, Chair

Abdi, Shadee | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Communications

Alfe, Norman | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Multimedia Arts

Allison, Suzanne | Adjunct Librarian, Library

Alvarenga, Roberto | Counselor, Counseling, Veteran's Resource Center

Alvillar, Michael | Shopkeeper, Business Office

Anthony, Milagro | Custodian, Business Office

Arrigo, Michael | Instructor, Modern Languages, French

Banga, Fabian | Instructor, Modern Languages, Spanish

Banihashemi, Lili | Instructor, Science, Biology

Barton, Skyler | Counselor, Counseling, Society of Scholars

Bay, Joseph | Multimedia Services Specialist, Business Office

Becerra, Maricela | Learning Disabilities Specialist, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services

Bernard, Christopher | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Economics

Bertuso, Jeejun | Coordinator, Student Services, Veteran's Resource Center

Bielanski, Joseph | Articulation Officer, Student Services, Student Services

Bland, Lloyd | Instructor, Math

Blitch, Scott | Instructor, Science, Biology

Boatright, Joshua | Librarian, Library

Bohbot, Michel | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Digital Imaging

Braman, Jennifer | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Art

Brassey, Dominique | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Multimedia Arts

Brion, Laurie | Instructor, English for Speakers of Other Languages

Butler, Ramona | Coordinator, Student Services, Extended Opportunity Programs & Services

Cabello, Dana | Staff Assistant, Student Services, General Counseling

Campbell, Philip | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Carter, Christopher | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Cayton, Nancy | Curriculum & Assessment Specialist, Office of Instruction, Office of Instruction

Chang, Julia | Instructor, Science, Biology

Chavez, Luis | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling, Chair

Chemouni, Elisabeth | Instructor, Math

Chin, Elinor | Technician, Student Services, Admissions & Records

Chowdhury, Rabab | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Business

Chowdhury, Kajal | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Business

Chung, Leonard | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Business

Chung, Irene | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

Cion, Gretchen | Instructor, English

Clarke-Miller, Mary | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design, Digital Imaging, Chair

Coleman, Sharon | Instructor, English

Covalt, Dean | Instructor, Science, Chemistry

Cralle, Lisa | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Art

Croley, Karen | Project Manager, Office of Instruction, Math, Science, and Career Education

Cuong, Susan | Counselor, Counseling, Society of Scholars

DesRochers, Barbara | Instructor, Science, Biology

Dickinson, Joshua | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Mobile and Web Design

Djukich, Vladeta | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Dodge, Heather | Librarian, Library

Dong, Johnny | Sr. Academic Support Service Specialist, Office of Instruction, Office of Instruction

Dorsey, Donna | Staff Assistant, Office of Instruction, Dean, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Doubiago, Shawn | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Humanities

Downing, Shane | Instructor, English for Speakers of Other Languages

DuBois, Peter | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Business

Ebron, Grace | Instructor, English

Eret, Dylan | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Humanities

Espinosa, Sylvia | Staff Assistant, Office of Instruction, Dean, Math, Science, & Career Education

Farahmand, Arash | Instructor, Math

Farris, Deborah | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Communication Studies

Fedorova, Natalia | Project Manager, Office of Instruction, Dean, Math, Science, & Career Education

Felluss, Scott | Instructor, English

Fillingim, Matthew | Instructor, Science, Astronomy

Flores, Lissette | Director, Student Services, Hispanic Serving Institution

Foley, Eden | Counseling Intern, Office of Instruction, Faculty Diversity Internship Program

Franco, Armando | Director, Office of Instruction, MESA Program

Friedman, Nina | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Women's Studies

Fullerton, Heather | Instructor, English

Garcia, Brendan | Specialist, Student Services, Admissions & Records

Gardini, Ashley | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Art

Gee, Becky | Instructor, Science, Chemistry

Gerlach, Eric | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Philosophy

Gifford, Christina | Instructor, English for Speakers of Other Languages

Gillette, Samuel | Instructor, Science, Chemistry, Chair

Givental, Elena | Instructor, Science, Biology

Gonzalez, Alejandro | Project Manager, Office of Instruction, Dean, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Gonzalez, Roberto | Alternate Media Technology Specialist, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services

Gopinath, Latha | Instructor, Math

Gough, Jenny | Instructor, American Sign Language

Greenberg, Svetlana | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Mobile & Web Design

Greene, Allison | Library Technician, Library

Greer, Janine | Counselor, Student Services, Mental Health Services

Guido Flores, Norma | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

Guzman, Daniela Estrella | Counselor, Counseling, Counselor

Ha, Thao | Bursar, Business Office

Harshaw, Dolores | Staff Assistant, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services

Hernandez, Silvia | Specialist, Financial Aid

Herrera, Amy | Counselor, Student Services, Genera Counseling

Hoffman, Justin | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Mobile & Web Design

Hoshida, Scott | Instructor, English

Hosseini, Sepi | Instructor, English for Speakers of Other Languages

Huynh, Hue | Senior Specialist, Student Services, Admissions & Records

Igwe, Chinue | Intern, Part-Time FDIP, Student Services

Ikeda, Ivanetta | Instructor, American Sign Language

Jackson, Candace | Custodian, Business Office

Jacob, Sofia | Student Services Specialist, Business Office

Jacobs, Maha | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Communication Studies

Jaw, Elissa | Counselor, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Jimenez Martinez, Guadalupe Lizbeth | Counselor, Student Services, Counseling & Student Equity

Johnson, Raniyah | Dean, Student Services, Counseling & Student Equity

Johnson, Ronda | Counselor, Student Services, NextUP

Jones, Denise | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

Jorgensen, Patricia | Instructor, Modern Languages, Spanish

Joseph, Midhun | Project Manager, Student Services, Adult Education

Kauffman, Osa | Instructor, English

Keeles, Nailah | Staff Assistant, Business Office

Kenney, Patrick | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Digital Imaging

Kim, Dru | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Digital Imaging

Kim, Angel | Executive Assistant, Office of Instruction, Vice President of Instruction

King, Linda | Instructor, English

Koelle, Katherine | Instructor, English

Koerner, Michelle | Instructor, English

Koo, Vincent | Sr. College Information Systems Analyst, Office of Instruction, Office of Instruction

Krupnick, Ari | Instructor, Arts and Cultural Studies, Philosophy, Chair of Chairs

Kumar, Jessica | Counselor, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services

Le, Phu | Sr. Network Support Service Specialist, Office of Instruction, Office of Instruction

Le, Phi | Sr. Network Support Service Specialist, Office of Instruction, Office of Instruction

Lebo-Planas, Alvin | Instructor, English

Lebo-Planas, Lynn | Instructor, English

Lee, Amy | Dean Enrollment Services, Student Services, Enrollment Services

Leonian, Tania | Web Content Developer, Office of the President

Lewis, Christopher | Vice President Of Instruction, Office of Instruction,

Lewis, Azul | Chemistry Lab Technician, Office of Instruction, Dean, Math, Science, & Career Education

Lewis, Francine | Staff Assistant, Office of Instruction, Contract Education

Liang, Susan | Specialist, Financial Aid

Lin, Yangxi | Custodian, Business Office

Linnehan, James | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Art

Liu, Willis | Network Support Services Specialist, Office of Instruction, Office of Instruction

Liu, Annie | Executive Assistant, Office of the President

Lopez, Liliana | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Louie, Joanna | Sr. Supervisor, Business Office

Lowood, Jennifer | Instructor, English, Chair

Malhi, Jasdeep | Instructor, Counseling, Counseling

Mallari, Abby Joyce | Counselor, Student Services, Counseling & Student Equity

Mantzaris, Anna | Instructor, English

Martin, Carolyn | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Art History

Martinez, Carolina | Coordinator, Student Services, Enrollment Services

Martinez Beildeck, Gabriel | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

Massey, Catherine | Staff Assistant, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services

McCormick, Anne | Instructor, Modern Languages, French

McDougal, Shawn | Instructor, Math

Mcpheron, Linda | Instructor, Science, Biology

Meyer, Annemarie | Adjunct Librarian, Library

Miranda, Juan | Instructor, Modern Languages, Spanish

Mobley, Aaron | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Music

Moniz, Tomas | Instructor, English

Monsalve Santa, Francisco | Instructor, Science, Physics

Najafi Kianfar, Nima | Instructor, English

Najibi, Rohullah | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Nelson, Sheldon | Instructor, Science, Physical Science

Nery, Ernesto | Director, Financial Aid

Nguyen, Giao | Custodian, Business Office

Nguyen, Kent | Specialist, Financial Aid

Nguyen, Loan | Officer, Financial Aid

Nguyen-Bilse, Jessica | Instructor, English

Nichols, Catherine | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

O'Connell, Richard | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts

Olmedo, Adan | Instructor, English, Chair

Olson, Matthew | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Omar, Siraj | Instructor, Science, Chemistry

Ong, Christina | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Orkin, Michael | Instructor, Math

Oseguera, Alejandra | Counselor, Student Services, Extended Opportunity Programs & Services

Pack, Tressa | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Digital Imaging

Panasiti, Diego | Instructor, Modern Languages, Spanish

Park, Cynthia | Counselor, Counseling, General & Veteran Counseling

Patel, Hemil | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Multimedia Arts

Pendleton, Gail | Coordinator, Student Services, Enrollment Services

Penn, Shannon | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

Pernell, Kelly | Instructor, Math

Perry, Tammie | Clerical Assistant, Financial Aid

Peterson, George | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts, Chair

Peña, Angelica | Counselor, Student Services, Undocumented Community Resource Center

Phillip, Vanessa | Staff Assistant, Office of Instruction, ASL & English

Platz, Christopher | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Putnam, Anna | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Redmon, Jaimie | Specialist, Financial Aid

Redondo Campillos, Ana Belen | Instructor, Modern Languages, Spanish

Regalado, Dri | Counselor, Counseling, Society of Scholars

Richardson, Denise | President, Office of the President

Ridgway, Kevin | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Rincon, Gustavo | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Mobile & Web Design

Rinker, Mark | Instructor, Math

Rizza, Thomas | Public Information Officer, Office of the President

Ruberto, Laura | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Humanities, Chair

Rush, Andrew | Instructor, Science, Biology

Russakovskii, Eugene | Instructor, Math

Saenz, John | Coordinator, Student Services, Learning Resources Center

Sahakian, Tamar | Learning Disabilities Specialist, Student Services, Student Accessibility Services

Sanchez, Zaira | Coordinator, Student Services, Hispanic Serving Institution

Sanchez Trujillo, Gaston | Instructor, Math

Sandhu, Malkiat | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Business

Saric, Steven | Instructor, Science, Chemistry

Sayavong, Phoumy | Sr. Research & Planning Analyst, Office of the President

Schieszler, Tyrone | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Schmidt, Douglas | Instructor, Science, Biology

Segal, Emily | Lab Coordinator, Office of Instruction, Dean, Math, Science, & Career Education

Seidel, Michael | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Servin-Garcia, Rebeca | Intern, Counseling, Faculty Diversity Internship Program

Shah, Fatima | Counselor, Counseling, General Counseling

Sharma, Neeta | Instructor, Science, Chemistry

Sharon, Garrett | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Business

Shears, Stacey | Vice President of Student Services, Student Services

Shields, Karen | Sr Duplicating & Support Services Technician, Business Office

Shojaee, Pati | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Communications

Silverberg, Matthew | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Digital Imaging

Simpson, Rachel | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts

Siskin, Sharon | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Art

Smith, Preston | Instructor, Math

Stalker, Pamela | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Animation & Game Design

Sumandal, Jasmine | Executive Assistant, Student Services, Office of Student Services

Taing-Rivera, Christina | Counselor, Counseling, Society of Scholars

Thai, Nghiem | Interim Dean, Office of Instruction, Liberal Arts & Social Sciences

Thananjeyan, Paramsothy | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Tran, Connie | Counselor, Counseling, General Counselor

Truong, Susan | Counselor, Counseling, Society of Scholars

Tsang, Tsze | Instructor, Science, Chemistry

Valdez, Michael | Instructor, Math

Valladares, Avy | Instructor, Arts & Cultural Studies, Humanities

Van Valkenburgh, Ke | Sr. Staff Services Specialist, Business Office

Velazquez, Liliana | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Multimedia Arts

Verbera, Camille | Coordinator, Student Services, Learning Resource Center

Villanueva, Izzie | Coordinator, Student Services, Basic Needs

Vo, Tam | Technician, Student Services, Admissions & Records

Wallace, Patrick | Principal Library Tech, Library

Whalen, Kelly | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts

Williams, Andrea | Coordinator, Student Services, Career & Transfer Center

Winer, Gabriel | Instructor, English for Speakers of Other Languages

Wing, Rick | Instructor, Math

Wolff, Rebecca | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts

Woltag, Laura | Instructor, English

Woodward, Charis | Instructor, English

Wozniak, Sonya | Instructor, English

Wright, Stephen | Instructor, Business, Economics, & Computer Information Systems, Computer Information Systems

Yang, Randy | Instructor, Science, Biology

Yap, Jenny | Librarian, Library, Chair

Yashar, Bijan | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Digital Imaging

Yeh, Erika | Instructor, Science, Biology

Young, Sareeta | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts

Zelaya Umanzor, Anthony | Counselor, Counseling, Undocumented Community Resource Center

Zhang, Chunfang | Instructor, Math

Zhiv, Dmitriy | Instructor, Math

Ziff, Georgie | Instructor, English

Zink, Amy | Instructor, English

Zink, Laura | Instructor, English

Zomorodinia, Raheleh | Instructor, Multimedia Arts, Video Arts